
"Timothy Litteral" (brotim@gte.net)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:46:05 -0500

> From: Harrell01@aol.com
> To: higher-fire@prairienet.org
> Subject: Re: Judging
> Date: Thursday, February 20, 1997 3:37 AM
Bro. Harrell"
> I Corinthians 11:3 "But I would have you know, that the
> of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is]
> man; and the head of Christ [is] God."
> The "the" here is not referring to the husband, if it
were, then it would infer that EVERY woman had a
husband...and we already know this not to be true. The head
of EVERY woman is THE MAN, or MALE, just like the head of
EVERY man is CHRIST...matters not it the man is married to
Christ or not (saved or not).

The context of this passage establishes it as refering to
the wives of believers and not to the Church at large.  

This whole passage would make a facinating topic and talk
about some vain imaginations being toppled!  The problem
that the Corinthian Chruch faced was that women were NEVER
included in worship services and they didn't kknow how to
behave themselves in Church.  The whole idea was that God
was using them in ALL phases of MINISTRY but reserved the
OFFICES of leadership to men.

The women were hollering across the isle to there husbands
while the preaching was going on, they were telling their
husbands that since they were "prophetesses" in the Church
that they no longer had to wear their veils as a sign of
submission and the like.

There is more that establishes this as a "husband/wife"
passage if any are interested.

Anyone game?

Bro. Harrell: 
...when someone gets a divorce on grounds
> not justified in the bible, and remarried, does that
person have
> two wives/husbands??

I will address this in a separate post.

Timothy Litteral
472 Grant St.
Marion Ohio 43302