Coffee Oracularity ... nyuk, nyuk

Tyler Nally (
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 17:27:45 -0600

Greetings Saints in Jesus name!

On the 'net is "The Internet Oracle" that is hosted by
the University of Indiana's computer science department.
You as it a question, and it responds accordingly and
very humorously.....

The question asked was one that I pondered many a time...
about coffee and it's bad taste after it's been cooked
and cooked and cooked.... and the chemical reactions

Any question asked of the "Oracle" always is followed 
by a request of the Oracle for something in return for
the knowledge received.

Bro. "for all you coffee junkies out there" Tyler

PS - I'll be in Indianoplace, IN on monday..... I've
     an interview with McMillan Computer Publishing
     and might want to meet a couple of the IN saints.
     If interested, I'll take mail forwarding off of
     my prairienet account (
     so that it doesn't bounce to work (where I won't
     read it till after the weekend maybe)....


> Subject: Internet Oracularity #887-04
> Selected-By: Mark Lawrence <>
> The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
> Your question was:
> > Oh Oracle most wise, why does coffee taste bad when it's been stewed
> > for a couple of hours?  (I'm interested in specific chemical reactions
> > here, not just generalities like "it's burnt".)
> And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
> } It's not a strictly chemical process.  It's quantum-mechanical.
> } The fluid you call "coffee" is composed of water into which free javons
> } have been suspended.  Javons, according to Oscar, Aster, and Rufo, can
> } exist in one of five descending energy states: Coffee, Java, Jamoke,
> } Joe, and Carbon Remover.  The addition of excess heat causes the javon
> } to emit bogons and lose energy, dropping into a lower energy state.
> }
> } Javons, of course, should not be confused with javicles, the
> } fundamental particles of Web hype.
> }
> } You owe the Oracle a javicle-to-javon converter.  If I had a cup of
> } really good coffee for every Info World article about that bogus and
> } largely useless language, I'd be a much happier deity.

Sorry, compu-Oracle.... you're not a deity like your last line says....