Cosmetics (
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:47:41 -0500 (EST)

After reading alot of things about make-up and saying "Amen" to alot of
postings, I would like to tell you a story.

A few years ago (I not about to tell you how many)   ;) ;) , a lady at my job
stopped me to talk about church.  Now this lady (and I use the term loosely)
was really decked out!  She had everything on (make-up, jewelry, pants, the
works) that you could name.  As we stood talking a black lady came up to us.
She hadn't heard our conversation at all.  She looked at me and said "You're
from that santified (sp?) aren't you?"  I told her I was.  The other lady
that was there spoke up and said "I am too!"  The black lady turned to her
and raised her eyebrows and said "Honey, you sure can't tell it!" and she
walked off!

We are different from the world!  And thank God we are!

Sis. Brenda