HIGHER-FIRE digest 404

Jonathan McNair (jmcnair@auracom.com)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 07:07:14 -0400 (AST)

At 03:20 PM 2/19/97 +0000, you wrote:

>Although it's true that somebody can look holy on the outside and be 
>rotten to the core, if you're right on the inside, then you will look 
>right on the outside.  The only exception being somebody who just 
>received the Holy Ghost and doesn't know better yet.  Besides, the 
>"dress code" part of what separates us from the world.  
>    K. Glen Smith
>  ksmith@cswnet.com

RIGHT ON!!! I have preached & taught that if it is really on the inside it
will show up on the outside!!! This is one of my soapboxes when it comes to
""holiness"". We have people sitting in churches full of bitterness, anger,
malice, etc..... but the outside looks alright so therefore they are
considered ""saints"", when in all actuality they probably should be called
""hyprocrites"". They are spreaders of death and not life, a fountain can
not send forth pure and contaminated water at the same time. They are really
""Mr & Mrs Dressups""!!

Now, as Jeff Arnold [one of my favorites] says, ""Let me qualify"". I
believe in ""outward"" holiness as strong as anybody else but I believe for
it to be ""true"" holiness it has to come from the heart. A heart that is
totally in LOVE with the Lord. When it all boils down to the very base
matter, how I live and conduct myself really all comes to the point of how
much I love the Lord.

""If you love me, keep my commandments""

""Out of the heart are the issues of life""

Let me get off my soapbox....................

Pastor J  :-)