God didn't do a good job??

Brian K Berger (berger@juno.com)
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 07:17:01 EST

On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 20:38:46 EST adbarnett@JUNO.COM (Anthony D Barnett)
>Andy (what about a big watch and John Lennon glasses?)Barnett
Andy, Andy, Andy. that was a humourous story to say the least but the
point is that we have more than make-up to compose holiness. I am going
for all the things that are gaudy. I can have a cool paisley tie that I
get for 3 bucks on clearance. My fellow church worshippers sometimes rib
me about them. Now I can also find 100 dollar ties and silk shirts. If I
am buying the ties and shirts to show off the ties and shirts then it has
become SIN. Also I should say I am not against dressing nice. I have
problems worshipping sometimes like recently when the holidays made more
of me than the shirts... (ouch that hurt huh?). The newer shirts were too
full of starch to stretch. I also worship better when the shirt  is
ironed. It is true that when you look sharp, you act sharp and you are
looking sharp to others.
 I knew a man who was worth about 12 million. He had a beautiful Rolex
watch and yet others saw him moved to give a offering more than the cost
of that watch to many small churches when he was there. The man was
humble and yet prosperous. We have many today who are not. I have one
more man in mind who has a great job and his wife makes over 50K per
year. Anytime I see him he is crying on how much his latest insurance
bill is for his land yacht or how much it cost him to "be drug to Europe
by my wife". He is border line to making me vomit the way he carries on.
he does work hard and yet he is always flaunting his money around. Also
last night was a state wide rally in his home church and he was not
there. This man has a problem with the way he approaches God like the
Pharasees of the New Testament.
We need to consider what we have is precious and the reason the
Adminstration defines some guidelines is that preachers of old found this
to be true. And they preached against radio and some today still preach
against coffee and colas. (I am not starting that up again either)

Brian (working toward perfecting true holiness in my life) Berger
Manchester, NH