Was:REVS.1:1 Now Clarified

Diogenes (Calvin@clarityconnect.com)
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 10:47:00 -0500

MF blume wrote:

> But I disagree that Revelation is about the destruction of the temple.

To clarify....I do not feel the entire book is about the destruction of
Jerusalem and the temple, yet it cannot be denied that it *is* a central
issue simply because of the nature of the transition from the OT to the
NT, i.e. the transition from a structure to our bodies as being the
temple of God.
> You mentioned that John's gospel missed the points about the temple
> destruction which the other Gospels did not miss.

Not missed, there is a spiritual truth that you might be making a
trivial matter, just as Timothy was admonished to rightly divide the
word, this is also a matter of rightly dividing the word!

>                                                     And you say that
> Revelation is John's whole book about it.  That may be a point, but
> it certainly  does not prove that Rev. is talking about 70 AD.  Simply
> because John never wrote of the 70 AD event in his gospel does not
> mean that Rev. MUST be about that event.
It is evident by the very nature of John's opening statement, i.e.
"things which must shortly come to pass" and "the time is at hand" along
with the fact that apakolypsis  was addressed to the seven churches of
Asia Minor, that what John had in mind when he wrote was, "events that
were soon to transpire".  

What event was future to John that could be considered important and was
also revealed by Jesus that would soon come to pass?  Logically it would
be the demise of the Temple and the destruction of Jeruselem.  This fact
is a central issue but not the entire scope of the book.  Just as the
temple and it's demise is central to the theme of the entire New
Testament scriptures i.e. the old passing away and the establishing of
the new.  

John writes and I agree the book is The revelation of Jesus Christ (not
the revelation of His person but the revelation he gave)to shew his
sevants of things which must shortly come to pass (events ready to
transpire)  and signified (symbolized) it, unto his servant John (the
writer of the apakolypsis) then verse 3 The time is at hand!

> I wil say that the thought of ANOTHER TEMPLE is indeed all related to
> the 70 AD destruction.  And when Christ rode into Jerusalem and was
> seen people holding palms and crying Hosanna, but later rejected
> at the temple, we can see the time when He will march again and find
> people with palms crying "hosanna" (Blessed be the King) in Rev.
> 7 in the TRUE TEMPLE - which is the Church.  So 70 AD has a lot
> to do with it, but the MAIN thought of Revelation is that a NEW TEMPLE
> of the church replaced the physical one.  I will forward a study
> regarding this important key to understanding Revelation.
Here we agree!  The Church is us - Individually making up the whole.  I
am of the opinion that the scriptures teach that we *have* replaced the
Old with a New Temple: US!

> But I do not accept totally the thought of the ultra-
> preterist idea that Rev. is committed to 70 AD events.  I feel it
> is dedicated to spiritual maturity through typology and symbolism.
> It involves the spiritual temple.
> The entire Bible points towards salvation and subsequent spiritual
> growth.  Why should Revelation be strictly about future events
> or 70 AD?
You are right to focus upon the symbolism and typology involved in Rev. 
But it is to your disadvantage if you ignor the historic facts and the
sequences of time related events.  Hyper-preterists like Maxx King have
valid arguments as to historic record.  One can only deny such arguments
if they want to ignor facts.  The down fall of the Hyper-preterist is
they miss the eternal truths and spiritual message while focusing on the
historic record.

True salvation and spiritual maturity are the goals that God has set for
us all...."For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be
conformed to the image of his Son" Romans 8:29

This is the message we must hear when we read the Apakolypsis!  We are