funny musician quirk

Tyler Nally (
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 18:29:18 -0600

Bro Andy Barnet was referring to a funny
time in church:


> Anyway, she took of
>running and shouting across the front of the church, which is quite a
>distance at Cal. Tab. She got halfway across and...well....she must
>lost the elasticity in her undies, because they  fell down around her
>ankles as she was in full stride.....

Holy Moley!  (scuze the upcoming 'pun)  That's what I 
call .....

.............being in *the flesh*......................

Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ho,
ho, ho, hee, hee, heeeeee, haw, haw, haw.... 

Sorry, I just couldn't help my self.  I just had to get
that one pun out before it hurt me.... <sigh>...there!
I feel much better!

Bro. "still giggling sillily" Tyler
<snort, snort, snort>