Thanks, Bro. Tyler!

John & Debbie Burns (
Sun, 23 Feb 1997 21:43:07 -0600

A big thank you to Bro. Tyler for mentioning our web site on Bro. & Sis. Freeman. We have been priveleged to handle their tape ministry for the last several years and added the catalog to the web a little over a year ago. Just to let everybody know, we have a new version of the catalog available and will be updating the web site soon! 

With the commercial web ventures we have going, we are receiving 200 - 300 emails a day, so it usually works out that either Debbie or I (usually Debbie) pretty much just skim through the higher fire posts and delete all but a few that we might want to show the other. The mention of Sis. Freeman in the Women Preachers thread slid by us.

Be sure to visit the Freeman pages at While your there, be sure to check out the other Beulah Land offerings, especially (honesty note: I AM biased) the Just a Thought column that Debbie writes. Sometimes fun, sometimes serious, always thought provoking. You can find the Beulah Land site directory at

Thanks, again!


|John & Debbie Burns
|Come visit Beulah Land at: