Marriage. (
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 09:17:08 -0500 (EST)

>>Any remarriages by a person who was divorced while a
>>believer, even if backsliden, under any other circumstances
>>than these makes them an adulterer until they terminate the
>>marriage and remain unmarried. It is easy to see why the
>>Apostles said that it would be better for a man not to
>>marry then is it not? 

>Are you speaking of the believer who backslides, then divorces or 
>leaves his/her spouse or of the spouse who has been left or 
>divorced? (Complicated isn't it?!)  I ask because I am a believer 
>who married a believer who has since backslidden.  For now he 
>has chosen to remain in our home and therefore I am obligated to 
>remain with him (even though I have endured great sufferings and 
>troubles since he has a substance abuse problem).  What if he 
>chooses to leave me?  In your opinion then, must I remain 

Good study, Bro. Litteral, and good question, Sis. Dimick.  I would like to ask
everyone interested in this topic to re-read the New Testament passages on this
topic that Bro. Litteral brought to our attention.  If you do so, ask yourself
if the question of remarriage is addressed.  I don't think it is.  Divorce is
obviously covered...but remarriage?   I know some say that 1 Cor 7:15 addresses
remarriage, but does it?

"But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not
under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace."

Doesn't this mean that the believing spouse is not "under bondage" to remain
married to the unbelieving if the latter decides to depart?  Where does
remarriage come into play.  Honestly, I don't think that we can speak with any
biblical authority on the subject of remarriage...although we most definitely
can on divorce.  The issue of remarriage simply isn't covered in "the Book."

God speed,
Kirk Van Ooteghem

 Kirk Van Ooteghem
 University Libraries
 Ball State University