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00kmvanooteg@bsuvc.bsu.edu (00kmvanooteg@bsuvc.bsu.edu)
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 07:49:39 -0500 (EST)

>What about cussing isn't cussing and cursing the same???

When the Bible speaks of "cursing," it is speaking about asking God to curse and
individual or placing a curse on someone.  A practical application, if you
desire evil to befall a person, you are, in effect, cursing them.

Cussing on the other hand may fall under "evil communication" along with many
other sins such as murmuring, gossiping, tale-bearing, railing, etc.

Swearing on the other hand (from a Biblical standpoint) is something else
entirely.  When the Bible speaks of swearing it talks about affirming under an
oath.  As Christians we are not to swear by anything--especially by God (or
heaven), or even by our own life.  Some would say that a Christian should not
even "swear" on the Bible in the court of law (although I don't think this is
the practice anymore in most courts).  Instead, we should not bind ourselves to
an oath, but simply affirm that what we testify is the truth to the best of our

God speed,
Kirk "Just finished re-reading _In Search of Holiness_ last week" Van Ooteghem