Women in the Pulpit

Anthony D Barnett (adbarnett@juno.com)
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 22:18:38 EST

On Mon, 24 Feb 1997 11:00:25 -0800 (PST) " Kathleen  Dimick" 
>Dear Brothers and Sisters:
>.....................................and likewise no woman should be
allowed into this discussion >forum for a man might accidentally be
taught by a woman.

Uh-Oh.........Ummmm, Sis. Kathy?.........You might be in danger of hell
fire..........I think I might have learned something from your post. I
would suggest sack-cloth and ashes,
a water-only fast for 3 weeks and it may not hurt to sacrifice a couple

(being sarcastic)

Speaking of lambs & sheep, Farmers tell us that sheep are the dumbest
animals anywhere..........Why then are we always refered to as sheep in
the Bible? 

(still being sarcastic)

God Bless You,
Andy Barnett
------"There are times when silence is golden, other times it is just
plain yellow."------
                                                        *** Ecclesiastes