
Carla Smith (
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:17:06 -0800

Kathleen Dimick wrote:
> What about a person (a believer) who married another believer but
> then that person backslid.  
> Are you speaking of the believer who backslides, then divorces or
> leaves his/her spouse or of the spouse who has been left or
> divorced? (Complicated isn't it?!)  I ask because I am a believer
> who married a believer who has since backslidden.  For now he
> has chosen to remain in our home and therefore I am obligated to
> remain with him (even though I have endured great sufferings and
> troubles since he has a substance abuse problem).  What if he
> chooses to leave me?  In your opinion then, must I remain
> unmarried?

Greetings to all Saints.  I must also ask a question to go along with Kathleen.

I have become born-again just under a year ago. I have two questions concerning this 
issue. Mind you, I am more curious then anything, not into stirring the issue up, as I 
have seen happen.

First question - I left my husband and have been seperated for 4 years, and was told I 
could not have my divorce util next month. I have somewhat looked forward to this, as it 
is the final step of all I have done to turn my life around. However, since I do hear 
Jesus in my prayers,(the exact answer was - If I witness and he is saved, we will be 
happy. If I witness, and he rejects - I am released from the marriage, and will be given 
a believer to share my life with) I have obediently witnessed to my husband and he has 
assured me, we're better off apart. From my witness and his rejection, Jesus has already 
answered and said I may one day remarry a believer.

So the question is - Since we were both unbelievers when we seperated and I have 
obediently done what I was told to do when I became a believer, then am I to stay 
unmarried and raise my children alone, without a man as head of our house?

Second question - My friend and their spouse were believers and one backslid, has a 
live-in, is attempting to divorce(although the believer is refusing), and ready to 
remarry...Is my friend, even after every attempt made to save the marriage (even with 
prayer and fasting) still under bondage? So according to this, the believer can never be 
married because of the spouse.

In Jesus,

Carla Smith