Adultery & Fornication (
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:32:13 -0500 (EST)

>>>The question has arisen as to the difference between adultery
and fornication.  There's quite a difference.  My pastor's
father, Bro Bob E. Koonce, says that:

fornication - the illicit sex act between two people that aren't
              married to each other.

adultery    - the impure state of marraige after fornication
              has occured.

All adulterers are fornicators, but not all fornicators are
aldulterers.  If one is married, and they fornicate, then they've
placed the marraige into an adulterous (impure) state.<<<

This is absolutely correct...but there is more to fornication this ONLY this.
The above is the most common form of fornication, but not the only.  Notice that
even your Pastor's definition would include homosexuality since the act would be
"between two people that aren't married to each other."  What you pastor said in
true, but not exhaustive on the subject.

God speed,
Kirk Van Ooteghem

 Kirk Van Ooteghem
 University Libraries
 Ball State University