Was Dispensationalism -Reply

Brandon Parker (Park4864@mailclerk.ecok.edu)
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:27:41 -0600

>>> "Robert J. Brown" <rj@eli.wariat.org> 02/26/97 08:57am >>>
>>>>> "Jerry" == Jerry Moon <moon@netjava.com> writes:

    Jerry> At 05:03 PM 2/22/97 -0500, Andy Gossett wrote:
    >> ---------- From: Andy Gossett[SMTP:andyg@zeus.odyssey.net]
    >> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 2:08 PM To:
    >> higher-fire@prairienet.org Subject: Re: Was Dispensationalism
If Greek is so dangerous, then why did our LORD choose to communicate His Gospel
to us in that particular tongue?  Please consider the doubt your statement must
cast on *ANY* translation from the Greek...
I think that your statement needs to be reconsidered.
-- Robert Jay Brown III  rj@eli.wariat.org  

Greek I do not believe was specially chosen by God, it just happened to 
be the language that the majority of the middle east understood as a 
trade tounge.  Therefore many of pauls books were written in greek.

Brandon Parker
Ada, Ok
Baruch Hashem Adonai!!