Overcoming Sin (was: Re: Marriage.)

"Dee Goepel" (dee@pobox.com)
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:15:40 -0500

> Dee wrote:
> >By our human nature we cannot remain sinless.
> >Through the strength of Christ we can come as close to
> >it as possible, but *all* fall short.  That's just the
> >way we are.  
> Steven Hall responds:
> Isn't this just an excuse to walk in the flesh?

(paraphrase) "Should we continue sinning so that God's 
grace may abound? Of course not!"  As I did say, I was
not condoning sin at all, simply reminding people that
committing a sin was not equivalent to being unsaved.

It probably not too clear from my sentence above, but 
when I said "By our human nature we cannot remain 
sinless", I did realize that by the strength of God
we can.  It is possible, though I wonder how many 
attain it. Nevertheless, it should always we our persuit
and God will come to our aid so that we may overcome.
However, it is also true that *all* fall short.  Jesus
was the only perfect man.  I don't believe there have
been any since.  But I do believe that once someone
comes to Christ, it is possible to remain sinless from
that point on.  Otherwise, why would God command it?

> Eph 5:27  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not
> having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy
> and without blemish.
> If we "fall short" on the day of the Lord's return, where will that
> leave us?

The reason we are without blemish is because Jesus blood
has washed away (or covered) those blemishes.  This is 
not because we have been perfect and are deserving of 
what God has in store for us.

> 2 Pet 1:10  Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your
> calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never
> fall:
> We have some things to do, I have found (by the grace of God only) that
> praying every morning for at least a hour helps a lot.
> Let's allow God to get us to the place, where we never fall, Luke 18:27 
> And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with
> God.

Agreed, this is what I meant to express by "Through the strength
of Christ we can come as close to it as possible,".  Certainly,
through God, it is possibe to win the battle against sin. 

1 Cor 10:13 For no temptation has overtaken you except what is
common to man and God is faithful, who will not allow you to
be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will
provide a way of escape that you may be able to endure.

God doesn't give us more than we can handle.  So there is no
excuse for sin, but that doesn't mean that we are perfect.
The closer we draw near to God, the more Christ-like we 
become.  Some get closer than others.  The point is to
strive to remain sinless, but in the event that we fall, 
Christ is forgiving.  

An acrobat does not perform with the intent to fall on the
safety net.  They are not sloppy in their dealings figuring
"oh the safety net will catch me if I fall, so it doesn't
really matter if I make it or not".  It certainly matters
and no one wants to fall into the safety net, but it sure
is nice that it's there.  

Christians also should fight the battle against sin as 
though there were no safety net.  But, thankfully, it is

-Dee (I think we are actually in agreement) Goepel