The moving of God (was: tithing part 2)

Tyler Nally (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 13:49:27 -0500

At 09:44 AM 2/23/98 -0800, Bro Mike wrote:

>>     Tyler> This is the same kind
>>     Tyler> of complaint that saints have when pastors/preachers accept
>>     Tyler> the offering/tithe money of the saints and then show up
>>     Tyler> with a brand new sparkly luxury car while the church needs
>>     Tyler> church pews or song books or educational materials or
>>     Tyler> kitchen pots, etc.
>3 thoughts
>1)  Once I put my tithe in the plate its none of my business how my pastor
use's HIS money that he receives from the tithe.
>The Tithe is his.  


Is that really biblical?  Seems like an OT study of the tithe was to
care for the things of the tabernacle as well as feed the OT priest.
The priest lived around the tabernacle.  The tithe was used to feed
the priest (and I guess family) as well as keep the tabernacle nice, 
tidy, and in good shape.  

In fact, if the OT priest doesn't use the tithe to care for the
tabernacle, he was to be cut off by my understanding of it.

So, if *income* isn't given the pastor/minister and s/he receives
all of the tithe wouldn't it be fair to assume that the money received
should go back to the church anyway?  

But, if it's decided the pastor/minister should get extra tax 
deduction, a house, a car(s), a living allowance, and extra spending
money, shouldn't the surplus go back to the church's general fund?

>To my way of thinking he is my paster he desurves better than I,  
>I work hard and have nice things.

I think that's a noble thing.  How then, does the pastor receive
of God if the church is his provider?  How is a pastor's faith 
increased when he knows that $XXXX is coming in the collection 
plate and it's all his/hers to do as wisely/unwisely as it pleases
him/her.  He doesn't look to God to have a continual increase of
saints because he has a comfortable living.  He might even start
to care that the membership plateau because it's just getting
to be too much tithe to handle.  He's looking towards the church
for his sustenance instead of God.  He's might even pray like just
about anybody that wants a raise, that everybody that is currently
tithing get pay increases (so that he can receive more as well), but
it'd be too much of a burden to have many more saints to have to
care for their needs because the 50, 60, 80, 100 saints right now 
bring in a sufficient income as it is.

>I am blessed beyound mesure,  Does the Paster desurve less?  
>He watches for my sole!

Heh, heh, heh.... he watches for your shoe bottom's eh (sole - bottom of 
footwear :: soul - the eternal part of a human).  Just kidding... ahem.

That's fine.  Is that the kind of honor that is really due?  You see
what it can lead to?  It would take a man absolutely full of the Holy
Ghost and power to resist the material temptations of cashing in on
the tithe of the saints.

I think the kind of honor God talks about, isn't a showering of 
cash and merchandise, although if kept moderate isn't a bad thing,
but reverence, respect, and fear for the man/woman of God.  That'll
keep the man on his face before God, not the ability to go out and
buy a new Rolls Royce.

I think it'd be better to provide for his NEEDS and then let God give
him the HONOR/REWARD when he arrives in glory.

But, sad to say, I think there are scads of ministers that go into
the ministry just for this reason.  Because they see this as a way
to gravy train off of a body of people that'll provide every little
comfort he'll ever need instead of having to depend on God.  Almost
like the welfare state of pastors/ministers.  Just belly up to the
church, keep the messages just interesting enough that the saints 
don't get discouraged enough to leave all the while they keep coming 
back to receive their tithe.  A very comfortable position to be in.

Is that all ministers?  Nope, I don't think so.  I don't think there
is probably any with these particular dis-qualities on this list.  I
don't think there are any ministers on this list that are preaching
for reasons other than winning souls to the kingdom.  

>2.  The offerings are to take cair of the church.

Where did this idea of TITHE ---> pastor and OFFERINGS ---> church
come from?

The reason why I bring these kinds of discussion up to the list members
isn't for the reason of tearing down the local ministry, but to awaken
the saints to situations (thoughts, practices, traditions, standards, etc.)
that are unbiblical by their root that clearly exist in the church that 
and is considered *normal* in the church.  I mean, when you think about 
it, much of what we bicker about here amongst the brethren is unique only
to the USA because of it's affluence.  In the 3rd world countries, saints
don't have a dress-code that's adheared when in public places and church.
In 3rd world countries, there's no such thing as a minister getting rich
on the tithe of the saints.  In 3rd world countries, there's no reason to
get concerned about pantyhose, knee-highs, etc.  In 3rd world countries,
there's none of this holier-than-thou stuff.  In 3rd world countries,
there's no standard against short hair w/ women, long hair w/ men, movie
theatre's, dance halls, skating rinks, tv's, etc.  In 3rd world countries,
they are happy to receive the Acts 2:38 message with gladness.

Bro "just giving more to think about" Tyler
 ______ ___   __ _____ __    __   __  __
|_    _|   \ |  |  _  |  |  |  |  \ \/ /
  |  | |  |\\|  |  _  |  |__|  |__ |  |  T. Nally - "A M.I.M.E. is a
  |__| |__| \___|_| |_|_____|_____||__|  a terrible thing to waste."