The moving of God (was: tithing part 2)

George R (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 21:25:08

On 02/23/98 at 11:50 AM, said:

>In a message dated 98-02-23 10:18:35 EST, you write:

><< From: (Robert J. Brown)
> I will say it again.  I was counting books, not words.  Luke *ONLY*
> wrote 2 books.  Paul wrote most of [the books in] the New Testament.
>  >>


>**For the Sake of Historical Accuracy (about who wrote more)** Not quite.
>Paul wrote *more* books in the New Testament than *anyone* else, but in
>order to have written *most* of the books in the New Testament, he would
>have to have written more books than *everyone* else. 

Nope, in order to have written the most books he only needed to have
written more than anyone else, as many as he could, or the majority.  Also
he could be the most prolific writer.

>The New Testament consists of 27 total books, including 13 Pauline
>Epistles (although Hebrews is sometimes attributed to Paul, most credible
>sources, including UPC publications, do not include this one in the
>Pauline Epistles, but rather, in the General Epistles), 

Finally, something other than Acts2:38 the UPCI got right ;)

>So, no man can take credit for writing *most* of the N.T., whether
>counting words or books.

Gutenberg can.


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