Fretwell@AOL.COM (Fretwell@AOL.COM)
Tue, 2 Apr 1996 16:55:21 -0500

I must have copied your address incorrectly.  My INSIGHT to you has been
returned twice.
Please Email your correct address to me once again.  I will try to be more
careful next time.
Meantime, here is the one I was trying to send you:

                                   WHY PRAY?
	I Timothy 2:1, 2  I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For
kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 
	It seems a little odd to me that the things Paul put the most EMPHASIS on
are the ones we bestow the most NEGLECT on.  It would appear that we are
satisfied to have held another service, sung some more songs, and greeted
each other in a friendly way.  Then we return to our normal way of life until
next Sunday (Morning), when we repeat the process all over again.  
	"HOLDING CHURCH DOESN'T CUT IT".  The Spiritual condition continues to
decline, and no one seems to notice.  Or if they do notice, they are too
engrossed in their own ways to do anything about it-- even in their own
	Jesus, angered at conditions in the Temple, vehemently declared, "MY HOUSE
shall be called a HOUSE OF PRAYER."	Today, in a similar fashion, we have
corrupted His House with: 
	--PROGRAMS of our own ingenuity, hoping that God will add His Blessing to
them.  HE DOES NOT.
	--PERSONALITY PARADES, men projecting themselves, their own abilities,
rather than being the humble servants of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords.   THEY FAIL.
	--WARDROBES AND POSSESSIONS.  Church has largely become a fashion show.  A
	These things are more of a detriment than a blessing.
	There are three ingredients that are necessary.  They are:	
                	PRAISE,            PRAYER,         PREACHING.
	Of the three, prayer is probably the most neglected in our churches because
it is difficult to bring ourselves down in humiliation before God in
supplication (begging).  No one likes to BEG anyone for anything.  But that
is what the word means.
	Prayers and intercessions are costly activities in terms of time and effort.
 They do not gratify the flesh.
	The DYNAMICS of the HOLY GHOST are ONLY produced by PRAYER.    "--but
prayer-  without ceasing"
	It is the "PRAYER FACTOR" which makes the difference in the impossible
situations we face.
	If we are going to see the miracle working Power of God--
                          SOMEONE HAS GOT TO START PRAYING.
	Ezek 22:30  I looked for a man (who would BE AN INTERCESSOR.)
	My ministry is not what I am DOING--     It is, primarily, what I am BEING--
	The important thing is not "THE WORK OF GOD", but  --THE GOD OF THE WORK".
 We must prevail on God to arise and give us the "bread" which we MUST HAVE.
            	1 Tim 2:1  FIRST OF ALL-- (MOST IMPORTANT).
	What is the purpose of prayer?  If He is absolute Sovereign, why pray?
 	Wesley said, "God does nothing on earth except in answer to prayer."
	Prayer justifies Divine Intervention in the life of rebels.
	When we pray,"Thy Will Be Done", it gives God permission to over rule our
own desires-- to SUPERIMPOSE HIMSELF upon us, as well as others for whom we
pray.  "Thy Will" is a safe way to pray.
	We can do nothing without His Will.  We do not "call the shots."  He will
never "obey" us.  "Not my will, but Thine."
	Yet, He will do nothing in our lives without our will.  Unless we give Him
permission to SUPERIMPOSE HIMSELF upon us, There is no way we can know the
blessing of walking with Him.
	Oh, how much we need to repent of the multitude of ways and times we walk in
our own ways, following the leadings of our own natures, which are rebellious
to God.  Walking the path of rebellion is the most natural thing we can do.
 Walking in an attitude of repentance is an absolute "MUST".
	If we are to see God work again in our churches, we will have to begin
begging Him to return to our midst in the power of His Spirit.  
                  OUR METHODS ARE KILLING US.
         	         LORD, GIVE US INTERCESSORS.