Need some help!

Rex Deckard (
Thu, 4 Apr 1996 19:56:52 -0500 (EST)

At 11:24 AM 4/4/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all.
>Being a baby ONEness believer. I have a question
>from a trinity believer, that has stumped me.
>Here is the question:
>(Gal 4: 5-8). It says that "God
>has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying 'Abba,
>Father'". That statement sounds like a pretty good case for the trinity,
>doesn't it? How do you interpret it so that it makes sense if there is not a
>somehow distinct Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Here are some observations that you may consider
First, we oneness people, we definitely believe that there is a Father, a
Son and a Holy Spirit.  But we don't believe that they constitute  three
co-equal, co-eternal persons in the Godhead.  The Father is that eternal
Spirit that is deity.  The Son is the human body that this Spirit dwelt in
on the Earth.  The Holy Spirit is God's Presence as it is poured into
believers and through them into the Earth.  But it is only one God,
manifested in different ways.

Why does the Gal. 4:5 say the 'Spirit of His Son', if the Son (as
trinitarians teach) is separate from the Holy Spirit?  Would not this make
two Spirits that fill the believer?  And since God is a Spirit (John 4:24),
the trinity doctrine would actually have to say that we need three separate
Spirits within us.  Of course we know tht this is ridiculous.  The Spirit of
God, the Spirit of the Son and the Holy Spirit are all the same Spirit.
When you receive one, you have all.

Next, who is crying 'Abba, Father'?  The believer, of course!  So this
Scripture is simply saying that God is sending into our hearts the same
Spirit that was inside of Jesus- and so we can cry 'Father' as the adopted
children of God.

Hope this helps!

R. Deckard