Online bible correspondance.

Frank Welder (
Fri, 5 Apr 1996 09:26:05 -0600 (CST)

[Moderator's note: If you send Bro Frank your email, please respond
 directly to him instead of to the list.  Thanks --RFM]

Hello all.
Thank you for helping me out with my question.
Brother Rex, you put the icing on the cake. Thank you.
I will combine all your replys and post it to the trinity

Now I'm soory to say this. But some of you request the
bible study, that I have and I sent out the first study to you.
Now a blessed Brother has scanned 10 chapters of the 2nd
study. I like a fool delated your address, if you want the first
10 Cp. out of 13, can you send me your address. Sorry :-(
Here is the context of the second study.

INTRODUCTION   Studying the Word of God
LESSON 1       Creation through the Flood
LESSON 2       Human Government Dispensation to Egyptian Bondage
LESSON 3       Birth of Moses to Entering the Promised Land
LESSON 4       Crossing into Canaan to End of Old Testament
LESSON 5       General View of New Testament to Christ's Earthly Ministry
LESSON 6       Who was Jesus Christ? to the Crucifixion
LESSON 7       Resurrection to "What does it mean to Believe on Jesus Christ"
LESSON 8       The Gifts of the Spirit to the Dark Ages
LESSON 9       Former Rain and Latter Rain to Vials of Wrath Poured Out
LESSON 10      Battle of Armageddon to White Throne Judgment
LESSON 11      The Book Called the Bible
LESSON 12      Historical Outline of the Major Manuscripts of the Bible
LESSON 13      Church History

Love through Him, Who first loved us.