Bible Corr. Studies (
Mon, 08 Apr 1996 15:24:05 -0600

In reply to the bottom messages, I believe that TBC in Houston, tx
and IBC in indiana both offer snail mail correspondance courses.  But
I come to the conclusion that none offer email courses though I
believe IBC is still considering it.

Brandon Parker

At 05:01 PM 3/27/96 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello y'all,
>this is the second time in two days that somone mentioned the ABI.
The first
>time I heard about it was yesterday. Can someone give me information
>the ABI as far as to the correspondence courses they offer, the
prices and
>maybe the address and who to contact. I am really interested in
>correspondence classes, perhaps in Theology and Biblical
Archaeology.  >
>Thank you so much for your help. Doris
I just called ABI.  They said they don't offer correspondence
courses.  But
I'll fax your request just the same.

ABI ph [612] 739-7686  fax [612] 730-8669
6944 N Hudson Blvd
Oakdale, Minnesota