Blonde [was: Re: Discussion List (buuuuuurp!)]

Rachel Ramos (
Mon, 8 Apr 96 15:57:36 CDT

>>> anything bad!   I just put it down to the fact that I'm a blonde. I'm sure
>>> you all understand.  =)     Have a great day!
>> Q:   How can you tell if a blonde's been using the computer?
>> A:   There's white-out on the screen.
>>Sorry, couldn't resist :-)
>>Richard, who's married to a blond.
>You know.... there's something to be said for people who *can't* resist
>temptations... ;-)   *chuckle*
>(Besides, if you had to, there are *much* better ones out there, this one
>was kinda weak. ;-)  believe me, I've heard them all.... Well, not *all*. My
>friends screen those they know would be offensive or inapropriate, but
>I've heard all the rest!)
>-Dee, who IS a blonde.

Whew!  This is one day I'm glad I'm not a blonde.  Please, spare me the
brunette jokes!

Ha Ha


Rachel Ramos, Senior Support Specialist
UT-Houston School of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 20708
Houston, Texas  77225-0708

voice: (713) 792-4466, x3072
  fax: (713) 792-5352