Prayer for annie...

Mark Bassett (
Tue, 09 Apr 1996 03:58:48 GMT

On Mon, 08 Apr 1996 15:48:42 -0600, you wrote:

>I know simmilar to what she be going through.  several years ago when
>I backslide over the debate of trinity and oneness, I was so
>miserable that I tried suicide several times.  No one knows until now
>that I am telling you and the HF list. 

Bro. Parker, 

If you are so led, would it be possible that you could find anything
that you would like to recall, or a testimony that you would like to
leave regarding that difficult time in your life. I know that
circumstances such as you relate are deeply personal issues, and
understanding is not easy to come by, but perhaps God could be
glorified, and some of us edified as you recount your experiences.

If this is not possible, I fully understand. As I read your comments,
I felt the urge to inqure.

May God Bless you and honor your faithful prayer, Bro. Parker!
