An Oxymoron: A Preacher w/No Voice

Don Haymon (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 18:03:22 +0000

Greetings to the H-F list.

What is a Preacher with no voice?
What is a nightingale with no song?
What is a herald with no message?

Oh well, that's enough of a pity party!!!!!  I'm fine, I've just been 
ordered by my vocal specialists to begin a 10-day voice rest!

Last Sunday night, I stood in the pulpit with a message burning inside, 
just said a few opening remarks, read the text--then, MY VOICE WAS GONE!	  
I was forced to turn the service over to my father (who has always been 
my model for "pulpiteering") and, of course, I was blessed by his 

Folks, I went straight to the voice specialist Monday.  He took some 
pictures down my throat then referred me to another voice specialist 
who, just today (Wednesday) made a strobe video tape of my voice while 

The findings were: A nodule on my right True Vocal Cord; a polyp  and a 
hemorrage  on my left True Vocal Cord.

The Plan: TOTAL VOICE REST for 10 days.  (ie., no talking, no 
whispering, no laughing (for you Penecostal humor folks  :)), no 
preaching, no talking on the phone, no lifting anything over 5 lbs, no 
throat clearing, no coughing.

5 hours have gone by and I've done o.k.  It's tough, though!  9 and 3/4 
days to go!!!!

Would you whisper a prayer for me and those around me?

I plan to be "Internetting" more than usual in the next 10 days.  Stop 
by our homepage once in a while and see the changes.

God bless you and your's,

Don Haymon, II