Big Brother is Here? By Joann Brusso Kentucky Christian News (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 17:05:52 -0700

Originally from: <>
Originally dated: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 17:05:52 -0700

news paper given out here in the Lexington/Lousivlle area.

   "Big Brother is here!
   We knew it was coming. We've been talking about it for years. WE've debated 
what it would look like, how it would be sold and implemented, yet somehow it 
seems to soon.
   While in Arizona, Andrew, my son-in-law, saw a very interesting commercial. A 
woman is pictured in an empty white room. As numbers whiz by her head, you hear 
them being read: social security, checking account, credit card, drivers 
license, health policy, telephone, fax, etc.
   A voice asks, "How can you remember them all? Then it declares, "Master Card 
is working on the solution. The one digit pin.
   The camera focuses on the back of the woman's' right hand; she flips it over 
and you see a close-up of her index finger with a pattern of dots. The voice 
over states, "Your personal mark." It then proudly announces, Master Card will 
bring this to you in the future!
   Wow, what marketing strategy! A new mark solving the problem of remembering 
all those number. Lost or stolen cards become a problem of the past. Just scan 
your finger and instantly vital information is recorded and decoded.
   Andrew said he about fell out of his chair when he saw the "mark" commercial. 
Although, all the signs indicate we are not too far away from this technology, 
Andrew didn't expect to see an advertisement for the personal mark during prime 
time TV.
   The microchip is a tiny chip about the size of a grain of rice. It is 
implanted under the skin. One chip placed in the wrist, hand, or maybe even you 
forehead, it will take all the fuss and muss out of buying and selling. No more 
groping for the right card or trying to remember your credit card or insurance 
policy number.
   Personal records could be programmed into the chip noting name, address, 
health, history, allergies, family doctor, and telephone numbers of relatives to 
call in an emergency. A person's education and work history could be included as 
   Why this handy, dandy chip could contain your passport, drivers license, and 
other important documents. Isn't modern technology wonderful?
   In Revelation 14, another person gives us a glimpse of the future. The 
Apostle John relates his vision in which those who receive the "mark" in the 
forehead or hand will be giving their allegiance to the beast and the end result 
for people with this mark is to be "tormented with fire and brimstone."
   We know, of course, the chip initially will be voluntary and the public will 
be sold on its utility, but the ultimate goal is to control people. Those who do 
not have this mark will no longer be able to buy or sell and eventually, refusal 
to bear the mark will end in death.
   Before credit cards and computers Americans were fiercely independent. The 
idea of personal information being filed, cataloged, and coded was repulsive. 
Like the proverbial frog in the pot of water in which the temperature is slowly 
increased, we have become desensitized to ever-in-creasing danger.
   If the public can't be sold on the personal mark through convenience, the 
government plans to use our children. Up to this point, the strategy for the 
allegiance of the next generation has been a relative soft sell; promoting a one 
world agenda through children's TV programming, movies, and government schools.
   Dads and moms could still counter the damage by training their children in 
God's Word after school and/or with private or home schooling.
   The plan to implement the United Nation's Rights of the Child is a giant step 
toward government control of children (and ultimately families)".
   Of course, those who hold to the belief that there is only one God and one 
way of salvation are characterized as intolerant, bigoted, and narrow-mined. 
Master Card does not disclose which "one digit pin" will solve the complexities 
of the 21st century. My guess is it's a six; a single digit, repeated three 
times 6-6-6-."

   This past Sunday I saw this same commercial on TV here in Nicholasvill Ky. I 
too almost fall over. 

   When you hold this up to the light of Revelation.....

   God save the lost before it's to late.

   Steve Pettyjohn,
   p.s. next time your talking to Jesus, would you mention me?

   In Revelation 14, another person gives us a glimpse of the future. The 
Apostle John relates his vision in which those who receive the "mark" in the 
forehead or hand will be giving their allegiance to the beast and the end result 
for people with this mark is to be "tormented with fire and brimstone."
   We know, of course, the chip initially will be voluntary and the public will 
be sold on it utility, but the ultimate goal is to control people. Those who do 
not have this mark will no longer be able to buy or sell and eventually, refusal 
to bear the mark will end in death.
   Before credit cards and computers Americans were fiercely independent. The 
idea of personal information being filed, cataloged, and coded was repulsive. 
Like the proverbial frog in the pot of water in which the temperature is slowly 
increased, we have become desensitized to ever-in-creasing danger.
   If the public can't be sold on the personal mark through convenience, the 
government plans to use our children. Up to this point, the strategy for the 
allegiance of the next generation has been a relative soft sell; promoting a one 
world agenda through children's TV programming, movies, and government schools.
   Dads and moms could still counter the damage by training their children in 
God's Word after school and/or with private or home schooling.
   The plan to implement the United Nation's Rights of the Child is a giant step 
toward government control of children (and ultimately families".
   Of course, those who hold to the belief that there is only one God and one 
way of salvation are characterized as intolerant, bigoted, and narrow-mined. 
Master Card does not disclose which "one digit pin" will solve the complexities 
of the 21st century. My guess is it's a six; a single digit, repeated three 
times 6-6-6-.