An Oxymoron: A Preacher w/No Voice

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 10:08:40 -0500

>>>>> "Don" == Don Haymon <> writes:

    Don> Greetings to the H-F list.  What is a Preacher with no voice?
    Don> What is a nightingale with no song?  What is a herald with no
    Don> message?

    Don> Oh well, that's enough of a pity party!!!!!  I'm fine, I've
    Don> just been ordered by my vocal specialists to begin a 10-day
    Don> voice rest!

    Don> Last Sunday night, I stood in the pulpit with a message
    Don> burning inside, just said a few opening remarks, read the
    Don> text--then, MY VOICE WAS GONE!  I was forced to turn the
    Don> service over to my father (who has always been my model for
    Don> "pulpiteering") and, of course, I was blessed by his
    Don> preaching!!

My daughter and others in our youth group just came back last weekend
from the Illinois district youth conference.  They were all hoarse as
frogs.  You guessed it: *GREAT* meeting!

My wife recalled a time about 5 years ago when she was leading song
service at the church in Kentucky we were attending at the time when
she went totally voiceless at the start of the second verse of the
first concregational hymn.  She held up her hand with a starteled
expression on her face, regained her composure, and whispered a rebuke
of the devil and whispered a prayer, joined in by all the
congregation, for her voice to return.  She said Satan was not going
to disrupt the service, and her had no place there!  Her voice
returned entirely.  Song service continued, and we had a terrific
service.  We will never know what an ENT would have seen if he had run
those tests on her that evening, but we know the Lord healed her and
everyone was blessed!

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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