Video Badges?

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 10:42:49 -0500

>>>>> "Rachel" == Rachel Ramos <> writes:

    >>  Interesting, I just looked at the back and read what I had
    >> only scanned previously.  It reads just like an ATM card.
    >> "This card is the property of Barnett...."  That is funny I
    >> thought they belonged to the University.
    >> I am sure these types of things are happening many places.
    >> Makes you stop and think.
    >> Remember, Jesus loves you all!!
    >> Cyndi

    Rachel> Yes, I'm sure it is part of the setup for the mark when it
    Rachel> will go from the card to the hand.  My husband and I were
    Rachel> talking about the Internet too last night and how it is so
    Rachel> "one worldish".  He made a comment that it was kind of
    Rachel> scary, but I said it isn't scary for us who will be gone,
    Rachel> but it reminds me that there is a lost world out there to
    Rachel> reach.

    Rachel> There is a song by Keith Green (I think that's his name)
    Rachel> called "Asleep in the Light" which talks about how we
    Rachel> continue to be so blessed of the Lord, but He is weeping
    Rachel> for lost souls and waiting for us to wake up and reach
    Rachel> out. 

I think you too are sleeping in the light.  Take another look:

Revelation 13:16
  16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
 to receive a mark IN their right hand, or in their foreheads:
  17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
 name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I have capitalized the word "in" to draw attention to it:

1909 epi {ep-ee'}                                                           <

 a root;; prep

 AV - on 196, in 120, upon 159, unto 41, to 41, misc 338; 895

 1) upon, on, at, by, before
 2) of position, on, at, by, over, against
 3) to, over, on, at, across, against

In the Latin Vulgate Bible, the Latin word IN has the meanings of both
"in" and "on".  The KJV translators rendered this word "in" rather
than "on" even though they had access to both the Latin and Greek

It is my position that when using a debit card, most people will hold
that card "in their right hand" !!!  This would have been even more
true if toilet paper had not been invented between Bible times and
now.  The right had was the hand of cleanliness, the left hand was
reserved for the outhouse.  Outhouses had no running water to wash
ones hands in.

The other important word here is "foreheads":

3359 metopon {met'-o-pon }                                                  <

 from 3326 and ops (the face); TDNT - 4:635,591; n n

 AV - forehead 8; 8

 1) the space between the eyes, the forehead

3326 meta {met-ah'}                                                         <

 a primary preposition (often used adverbially); TDNT - 7:766,1102; prep

 AV - with 345, after 88, among 5, hereafter + 5023 4,
      afterward + 5023 4, against 4, not tr 1, misc 32; 473

 1) with, after, behind

The connotation is "behind the face", or the forebrain -- seat of
cognitive thought -- that which is  commited to memory.

Most debit cards a such like require the user to not only present the
card (token, or "mark") but also a Personal Identification Number, or
PIN (another token, or "password") in order to effect the transaction.
The card in "in the right hand", and the PIN is "in the forehead".!

This is why I do not use a debit card.  It is too close for my comfort
to the taking of the mark.  I do not beleive that there will be a
tatoo or chip implant required for one to have taken the mark.  I do
believe that until it becomes mandatory (and it sounds like it is very
near that point at Cyndi's school!) that one can repent of having
accepted a debit card.  Of course, then one must destroy the card and
stop using it.  When we cannot buy food or get paid without one:

Lu 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and
    lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
-----  M o d e l i n g   t h e   M e t h o d s   o f   t h e   M i n d  ------