Fretwell@AOL.COM (Fretwell@AOL.COM)
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 11:51:14 -0400

Mike Endsley (
Thank you for your letter asking if I had properly introduced myself, and
asking for another copy of LOUISE, my sister, who has spent over 55 years in
Alaska as a UPC Missionary to the Thlinget, Athabascan, Eskimo, and other
tribes, who, together with her husband, the late Kenneth Wright French
founded Churches in ten cities and villages while there.
I'm sorry.  I don't know how to introduce myself.  Tell me how.
I will send LOUISE  in a later mailing.  It is in a different directory-- not
readily accessible from this directory, and will have to be "imported" before
I can send it.
Sorry to know of your HDD failure.  My kids advised me to have a backup of
EVERYTHING on the HDD.  They say it is not a matter of IF , but WHEN it will
happen-- even to me.  (As good as I am)  :-)
God's Love to you.  Greet Louise for me, Please.