Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:35:40 -0400

Thank you so much for this e-mail today!  I have been there so often!  My
husband and I cannot have children, it was really hard for us to accept.
 About 10 years ago we were contacted by a young girl who wanted to give her
baby up for adoption.  We were so excited!  We just knew this was God's will
for us.  Did we pray?  Of course, we did!  But we prayed and thanked Him for
what He was doing, not to ask if this was His will or not.  Then one month
before the baby was born, the girl signed papers over to someone else and
didn't let us know, I found out at my job (I worked at a hospital at the
time)  We were devastated!  Why was God allowing this to happen to us?  We
were faithful to Him!  We paid our tithes!  (Doesn't that sound just like the
Pharisee?)  But God in His wonderful wisdom knew what He was doing  in our
lives!  This baby turned out to be a drug baby.  The young girl caused the
other couple grief in trying to get the baby back.  We still don't know to
this day if she did or not.  Thank God for His great love.

But wait, the story doesn't end there!  Two years ago, (we had been married
16 years by then!)  another girl contacted us.  Boy, were we careful!  We
held our excitement in check and we PRAYED FOR GOD'S WILL!  Guess what?
 That's right!  We have a two year old son named Adam!  He is the joy of our
life!  God truly gave us a wonderful gift!  I was able to be at the birth and
we brought him home from the hospital!  It has been wonderful!  He keeps me
busy, he is big for his age and very smart (doesn't that sound just like a
mom!) :)  But He is God's sweet blessing to us!

This is just a little bit of what God is doing for us.  We give Him all of
the glory and praise for it all \o/ \o/ \o/

Sis. Brenda