
"Suzette Vermillion" (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:39:57 -0400 (EDT)

Praise the Lord everyone!!
Spring has finaly come to Michigan:>
Anyway, I need some Help.  I teach a Sunday School class, consisting of
children from the ages of 11 - 13.  On particular student, Derek age 13, tends
to be a bit depressed and very down on life.  He has to take a drug (starts
with a P, I forgot the name of it) everyday or he will become extremly
depressed and even suicidal.  One Sunday, will I was out of town, he forgot to
take his pill and half way through the Sunday School class he started taking
about killing himself and how worthless he felt he was.  He has allready tried
to kill himself but his sister, age 11, stoped him.  He does have the Holy
Ghost, but he has only had it for 2 months.  I personally feel that this is a
chemical inbalance, but I'm not a doctor, and he needs a healing.
How do i handle this situation.  I don't want the other students to make fun of
him or make he feel unwanted.  THis past Sunday he said that he was going to
hell, he didn't want to but he feels this is were he is going.  I NEED SOM
WHAT CAN I DO?  Please pray for me that I may have the wisdom to help him
receive the victory over this problem and hel influence the others to unit
together in prayer for Derek.

God CAN Deliver,