Holy Spirit on Court TV!

Tyler Nally (tnally@csci.csc.com)
Tue, 16 Apr 96 9:53:34 CDT

Greetings again Saints!

Another good nugget of information came across CHRISTIA that I'd thought
I'd forward to the recipients of Higher-Fire.

Bro. Tyler
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  _ 
| Bro. Tyler Nally   ---[ Higher-Fire Co-Owner and Moderator ]---       |_| |_ 
| Email addr : tgnally@prairienet.org  tnally@csci.csc.com              |_   _|
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One of our new cable stations (every once in a while our system adds a few
channels without warning--last month we acquired an Indianapolis
syndicated channel and the Weather Channel) shows Court TV in the
afternoons, and I happened to catch this report today.

It seems that a Minneapolis church was being sued by neighborhood
residents for violating the noise pollution ordinance with their
loud worship and praise.  Well, a judge found in favor of the church,
ruling that the local ordinance did not take precedence over their
First Amendment right to freely exercise their religion.

The pastor of the church said that the case proved that "the Holy
Spirit" can't be suppressed.  But what I thought was kind of neat
was that the anchor desk people came back all smiles and the guy
said, "Maybe after the ruling the neighbors will join the church.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

To which I can only say, "Amen--and congratulations to God's people
in Minneapolis!"