
"Cyndi Taylor" (
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 10:07:32 EST

Dear Suzette:

I wonder if this child is on Prozac.  Isn't that the name of one of 
the newer anti-depressive drugs....  I went and took a look on the 
net.  Yes Prozac is an anti-depressant and widely prescribed.  I read 
a posting about side-effects and sudden removal from taking the drug. 
Extreme depression and suicide were listed.  From the secular side 
there is information on the net if you have access.  There is a 
e-mail listing for survivors of Prozac toxicity at 
if you want to talk to some of them.

I have been dealing with an 18 year old that was on several different 
anti-depressants and assorted "psychiatric" drugs.  He is currently 
living with us but is unmedicated.  About six months ago we had 
talked about the drugs he was taking and how he didn't see the need.  
He didn't seem to feel much different with them than he felt without 
them.  I told him that he needed to believe that God could heal him 
and ask God to do so.  I felt very strongly at service several weeks 
after and prayed for him.

He has since stopped taking the medication.  He still has periods 
that are stressful and hard to cope with but I feel that God has done 
a work and that this boy now is learning to live without his 

I don't have any answers for you that you don't already have.  I will 
pray for you, that God will give you the guidance you need with this 
child.  The adolescent years are so very difficult these days.  I 
have heard that hormones have a great effect on some depressions 
caused by chemical imbalances.  This boy could have some very hard 
years ahead of him unless God finds it is his will to heal him.  Pray 
hard and try and be aware of as much as possible.  Remember God's 
ways are higher than ours.

I Praise God for what he has done with this boy that is living with 
us.  It is a very helpless feeling when we deal with things like 
this.  I think it is specially difficult for women, since God has 
made us to be mothers and help mates.  It seems there is always that 
desire to talk care of things and find answers to problems.  I will 
be praying for you.

I am sorry if this is long.  I feel like every time I send something, 
I am writing a novel.

I thank God for all of you kind Brothers and Sisters.  My God bless 
this day for you.

Cyndi Taylor