Greetings Ya'll

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Thu, 18 Apr 1996 00:51:36 -0500

Well how is everyone out there in Computer Land?

Well, It is about time for me to call it a day, but I thought I would send you all a note, and let you know (I 
am sure you already know) That God is Sooo Good!

I was reading some of the Archives of this list.  And I saw some names that I had forgotten, and I am glad that 
the nature and tone of the List has changed considerably.  No one has been called a Whore lately.  :-)  If you 
were not lucky enough to be a part of the lists then, you may be offended by that statement, but it used to be 
a very common word on this list.

So if you dont have anything else to be thankful for, Thank God the List has improved.

Well just thought I would pass that to ya'll (You Guys).

God Bless!

Scott Phillips