
Rachel Ramos (
Thu, 18 Apr 96 13:29:04 CDT

>> up in the morning and was in and out of the hospital for depression.  When
>> she got off the pills and started PRAYING everyday and got active in church
>> she lost weight, starting sleeping right, and is living in downright
>> victory!
>You are correct that prayer is absolutely essential to being
>right with the LORD, but Sister Alice would read this and think
>"Oh, everybody probably thinks I don't pray and have

Well, my point wasn't really that the prayer got her "right with God"
(although it does that ofcourse), but that it helped to heal her.  I can
totally identify with this sister because before I was married I used to
spend hours in prayer and would still struggle with depression and I never
could understand why.  The reason was because I was spending a lot of time
in intercession, but not dealing with the deep issues that were troubling
me "subconsiously."  I was only semi-aware that there were issues I needed
to deal with.  When I got remarried, BAM!, my husband would do things that
reminded me of my exhusband and all this pain would surface!  Truly "iron
sharpeneth iron".  Then I was forced to deal with the issues.

BTW. hurting people can make some of the best intercessors, because they
can feel for others.  Too much time in intercession can lead to heaviness,
though.  There must be a balance with praise and worship.  She may not be
balancing her prayer life.

I don't know Sister Alice ofcourse, so I don't know her story and what
might be troubling her, but my guess is that she is not getting in touch
with it, whatever it is.  This doesn't mean that she isn't right with God,
but that she is missing out on some blessings.
>BTW, Sister Alice is *not* on any kind of medication and never
>has been.  Just curious, is she overweight?
>Richard M.
>P.S. Alice is a pseudonym for a real person.

A real person that Jesus loves and doesn't condemn because she is hurting.
It would be nice to talk with her and tell her that.


Rachel Ramos, Senior Support Specialist
UT-Houston School of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 20708
Houston, Texas  77225-0708

voice: (713) 792-4466, x3072
  fax: (713) 792-5352