People need the Lord

Richard Masoner (
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 14:53:32 -0500 (CDT)

[this one's only 64 lines ;-) ]

> BTW. hurting people can make some of the best intercessors, because they
> can feel for others.

This has been my observation too.

> Too much time in intercession can lead to heaviness,

Hmm, food for thought...

There are times when I'm especially sensitive to the suffering
that's in this world, and it all seems so unending at times.  I
don't get depressed by any means, but it does seem discouraging
being aware of all the *junk* that's around us, an attitude
almost of throwing my hands in the air and thinking "Why

One of our Sunday school kids had an abortion a couple months
ago.  Another one I went to pick up for Sunday school but she
was in the "Juvenile Detention Center."  One mother of four very
sweet children is high on cocaine and/or heroin every time we
visit, and she complains about "the devil attacking her and her
children."  The police suggested we stop visiting a certain
apartment complex because of a cop being shot during a drug raid
the the previous week.  A pack of condoms fell out of the purse
of one twelve-year-old girls purse in our Sunday school.  One of
the boys assaulted one of our bus drivers last week.

The thing I fear is that I will become jaded to all this, that
I'll get used to the garbage and the shooting and the drugs and
the sin.  I pray that I will be sensitive to the suffering
around me, that I'll have a burden to SEE THESE PEOPLE SAVED.  I
told my pastor a couple weeks ago "There's no way you can run a
bus route in this city and not have a burden for souls."

These kids, kids which are 11, 12, 13 years old -- have seen so
much bad stuff, and they KNOW they need something besides what
they have.  For the most part, these kids are completely ignored
by their parents.  Many of these kids have no father at home.
I've been at some of these homes on visitation and the mother
will bad-mouth their kids right in front of them, telling the
kids they're worthless, no good nothings.

Then they visit an Apostolic church, and they hear about a God
who loved them enough to die for them, and who continues to
reach out to them, who wants to live in their hearts; and that
there's a people who love them and reach out to them.

And, as I've posted from time to time, kids (and some of their
parents!) are repenting of their sin, are being baptized, are
receiving the Holy Ghost!  It is so incredibly rewarding
watching lives being changed like that.

> though.  There must be a balance with praise and worship.

AMEN, always!

> Just curious, is she overweight?

She's a little ol' gray-haired granny type, about 5 foot nothing
and weighs maybe 100 pounds.  She has the *sweetest* smile.
