Free Will and the creation of Man

Rachel Ramos (
Thu, 18 Apr 96 15:08:55 CDT

>I am almost hesitant to introduce this new topic for discussion.  It
>seems better suited to a "ministers only" group, but alas, we do not
>have one yet. :-(
>Anyway, here goes:
>I have heard on many occasions that God created man to worship Him,
>and that man had to have a free will of his own in order for it to
>truley be worship.  The corolary statement is that the angels were
>created to worship God day and night, and that they have no choice in
>this matter.
>If this is true, then how do we reconcile these two statements with
>the following: One third of the angels rebelled (an exercise of free
>will!) to become followers of Satan, who likewise rebelled.  If angels
>can rebel, then it seems that they too have free will.  This being the
>case, then why did God need to create man to have free will and to
>worship Him?
Excuse my nonministerial input, but . . .

Good question.  Something I have been thinking about myself lately!
Another related question would be will we continue to have a free will in
heaven (assumedly we will) and if so, how do we know we can't sin?  The
answer could be we will have a glorified sinless body, but so did Lucifer.

This should be interesting.


Rachel Ramos, Senior Support Specialist
UT-Houston School of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 20708
Houston, Texas  77225-0708

voice: (713) 792-4466, x3072
  fax: (713) 792-5352