Prayer Request (
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 15:54:31 -0400

In a message dated 96-04-21 23:20:36 EDT, you write:
>The reason I am posting now is for a prayer request.  An unsaved relative
>(sister) of mine desperately needs prayer for her soul and body.  Last
>Wednesday Lois Green thought she had the flu went to the doctor and by that
>night was in the hospital.  She has a mass on one of her kidneys (possibly
>cancer), fluid in her lungs & colon, acute pancreites (sp?) and infection in
>organs.  She is in sever pain and all family members have been called to fly
>in.  She has a very low chance unless Jesus heals her. PLEASE PRAY. 

Sister Elizabeth,
 The prayers have already been sent. I had asked for prayer for my
brother-in-law, Mike  who had cancer of the kidney also. It did not include
all of the other things as in Lois' case but he was very scared. The good
thing though (and probably the only good thing) is that you can talk to them
about the Lord and they are very sensitive to let the Lord speak to their
heart. A happy ending in our case. After removing the kidney Mike is healing
just fine and I believe that he will come to the Lord before too long. I pray
the same for Lois. Be strong in the Lord! He is our strength and refuge in
time of trouble! God bless you!
  Laurie Gibson