FW: Good explanation!

Rachel Ramos (rramos@acad1.sahs.uth.tmc.edu)
Tue, 23 Apr 96 16:30:06 CDT

>I ain't married yet so I am not no authority on this, but this sounds
>like what God gave adam anyway for just a rib.
>I just wonder why God didn't make men able to understand what women
>want sometimes,  I guess it's so that they wont just dazzle us with
>beauty but makes it a challenge to sweep them off their feet when
>Brandon parker

I guess that's why we have this scripture:
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge. . .

The Lord knew men were going to need to work at understanding their wives
and that men are usually attracted by challenge.  One reason you may have a
hard time understanding women is that we talk and think from different
levels.  A woman might say the same words and they might mean different
things depending on what level they are speaking from, emotional, mental,
etc.  Don't be discouraged.  When you find the will of God, she will be
your greatest friend.


Rachel Ramos, Senior Support Specialist
UT-Houston School of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 20708
Houston, Texas  77225-0708

voice: (713) 792-4466, x3072
  fax: (713) 792-5352
email: rramos@acad1.sahs.uth.tmc.edu