FW: Good explanation!

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 11:34:23 -0500

>>>>> "Tyler" == Tyler Nally <tnally@csci.csc.com> writes:

    Tyler> Bro. Richard Masoner wrote: * I'm probably about just as
    Tyler> bad actually.  In my cubicle here at work, * I have papers
    Tyler> piled up all over the place, disassembled computers and *
    Tyler> parts and various other hardware strewn around, a half-dead
    Tyler> plant on * one corner of a table, an oscilloscope sitting
    Tyler> by the entry, a logic * analyzer sitting nearly in my lap,
    Tyler> power strips tangled under my feet, * a telephone that's
    Tyler> not even plugged in sitting on the file cabinet, a * 1995
    Tyler> Tandem Computers calender, a 1996 Scripture calender that
    Tyler> happens * to be on the correct month, an empty paper cup
    Tyler> from Dairy Queen, data * books lying here and there, and
    Tyler> the book _HEALING EVANGELISM_ published * the First
    Tyler> Apostolic Church of Toledo Ohio sitting on my desk.  Some *
    Tyler> empty boxes and anti-static bags are also lying about.

    Tyler> Sounds scriptural to me.... line upon line, line upon line,
    Tyler> cup upon cup, cup upon cup, oscilloscope upon oscilloscope,
    Tyler> 1995 calendar upon 1995 calendar, anti-static bags upon
    Tyler> anti-static bags, parts upon parts, logic analyzer upon
    Tyler> logic analyzer, papers upon papers, precept upon precept,
    Tyler> precept upon precept, here a little and there a little for
    Tyler> with stammering fingers and another tongue will my
    Tyler> programmers program those computers and device drivers.

    Tyler> Yeah... that's right.

    Tyler> Bro. Tyler (who just couldn't resist cuz' my desk is about
    Tyler> as bad...)

I can tell you guys are not contractors.  I *NEVER* stay in one place
long enough to accumulate all that junk in the office.  I *NEVER* put
anything in a desk or filing cabinet at a client's.  I live out of my
briefcase, but you should see my briefcase: I just got a bigger one
for Christmas this year.  It has a built-in filing cabinet and
everything (no kidding!).  It weighs probably 70 pounds when full.  I
also keep an enourmous amount of stuff in my computer, eli.wariat.org,
which is accessable over the internet at all my clinets' offices.  You
all don't think I have 32 MB RAM and 4 GB disk on a P-120 just for the
Higher-Fire archives, do you?

At this moment, "top" shows:

11:28am  up 3 days, 11:45, 15 users,  load average: 0.86, 0.27, 0.09
128 processes: 127 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  8.9% user, 37.6% system,  0.0% nice, 53.8% idle
Mem:  31160K av, 30644K used,   516K free, 13544K shrd,  4652K buff
Swap: 123884K av, 36696K used, 87188K free

And the disk drives (all 3 of them) currently have a total of 51901
files on them and the space looks like this:

Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda2             198299   75832   112227     40%   /
/dev/sdc1            2029283  926167   998208     48%   /usr
/dev/sdb2             903905  125018   732193     15%   /home
/dev/sda3             687861  392658   259671     60%   /net
/dev/sda1             118518  114258     4260     96%   /dos

All this and it is basically just sitting there doing nothing right

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  rj@eli.wariat.org  http://eli.wariat.org  1 847 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
-----  M o d e l i n g   t h e   M e t h o d s   o f   t h e   M i n d  ------