FW: Good explanation!

Rachel Ramos (rramos@acad1.sahs.uth.tmc.edu)
Wed, 24 Apr 96 11:39:36 CDT

>Why doesn't she just say "Pray with me about this (*) so I can learn
>God's will about it."
>Why doesn't she ask if its OK?
>Why doesn't she actually express the uncertainty, instead of total

I'd like to answer your questions with what Gary Smalley(sp?) would call a
word picture.  (If you want to understand the differences between men and
women better, his books are wonderful)  Imagine the difference between the
Bible and a Dictionary.  A Dictionary is pretty straight forward, the Bible
on the other hand is something you have to really study.  You might find
many different meanings for one scripture.  There are surface meanings
which are pretty straight forward and deeper meanings on different levels.
Women are like the Bible in that they talk on different levels and they
might say the same thing but have a different meaning behind it. You are
saying, why don't they just say what they mean?  Well, why did Jesus talk
in parables?  Because He only wanted those who were intimate with him (the
disciples) and those He really trusted to understand Him and how He was
thinking and feeling about something.  He wants people to put forth and
Effort to get to know Him and His way of thinking.  Well, a woman wants a
man to put forth an effort to know her deeper feelings.  She isn't going to
reveal them right away, necessarily, her husband needs to love her enough
to learn to ask the right questions.  If he is willing to make the effort,
he is interested enough to know them.  This is communication, and it is so
important in a marriage.
>Forget the housework!  (That's what I do when I am out alone on a
>contract.  When the apartment gets too dirty, its time to take a new
>contract somewhere else ;-)

A lot of it really comes down to attitude.  First we have to accept the
fact that there are differences in men and women and come to value them.  I
value the stability and rational think of my husband, he gives me a lot of
stability.  He on the other hand values my intuition.
>Do you find men boring?   ;-)

Hmmm... how did I know you might say that?  Must be my intution.  Ha! Ha!
Actually, what makes things interesting about men and women is their
"differences".  Because we think and feel differently, there is an
attraction.  The attraction is not just to physical differences, but
psychological and emotional as well.  I enjoy talking to women in ways that
I can't talk to a man and vice versa.  That is why it is important to
continue to have friends after marriage.  Women, esp. tend to expect men to
meet some emotional friendship type  needs that only a female friend can

Da ta da da.... In conclusion, thank the Lord for marriage.  He created it,
and it is a good thing!


Rachel Ramos, Senior Support Specialist
UT-Houston School of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 20708
Houston, Texas  77225-0708

voice: (713) 792-4466, x3072
  fax: (713) 792-5352
email: rramos@acad1.sahs.uth.tmc.edu