FW: Good explanation!

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:21:11 -0500

>>>>> "Rachel" == Rachel Ramos <rramos@acad1.sahs.uth.tmc.edu> writes:

    Rachel> Robert:
    >>  Why doesn't she just say "Pray with me about this (*) so I can
    >> learn God's will about it."
    >> Why doesn't she ask if its OK?
    >> Why doesn't she actually express the uncertainty, instead of
    >> total negativism?

    Rachel> I'd like to answer your questions with what Gary
    Rachel> Smalley(sp?) would call a word picture.  (If you want to
    Rachel> understand the differences between men and women better,
    Rachel> his books are wonderful) Imagine the difference between
    Rachel> the Bible and a Dictionary.  A Dictionary is pretty
    Rachel> straight forward, the Bible on the other hand is something
    Rachel> you have to really study.  You might find many different
    Rachel> meanings for one scripture.  

Most words in the dictionary have multiple meanings too, but in the
dictionary, the meanings are at least enumerated.  You do not have to
figure out how many meanings there are; they are listed right there
for you.

    Rachel> There are surface meanings
    Rachel> which are pretty straight forward and deeper meanings on
    Rachel> different levels.  Women are like the Bible in that they
    Rachel> talk on different levels and they might say the same thing
    Rachel> but have a different meaning behind it. You are saying,
    Rachel> why don't they just say what they mean?  

It is an accepted principle of exegesis that the most nearly literal
meaning is the prefered meaning wherever and whenever it is
applicable.  It this really God's desire, or is it just because most
preachers are men?  Or is it because God typifies the male gender?

    Rachel> Well, why did
    Rachel> Jesus talk in parables?  Because He only wanted those who
    Rachel> were intimate with him (the disciples) and those He really
    Rachel> trusted to understand Him and how He was thinking and
    Rachel> feeling about something.  He wants people to put forth and
    Rachel> Effort to get to know Him and His way of thinking.  

The only reason the disciples understood the parables better than
other people was because Jesus came to them later and explained them
to them.  It was not their intimacy that enabled them to understand,
but his desire to show them.

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  rj@eli.wariat.org  http://eli.wariat.org  1 847 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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