English made Easy?

HENRY L BUNCH (henryrna@juno.com)
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 15:24:59 PST

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996 12:06:22 -0500 CDSTERRE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU writes:
>Not to dwell to much in this topic but I would like to point
>out something which really makes me sick.  Has anyone noticed
>that the Gay rights activists have a rainbow representing their
>group?  OHhh how sick it make me to think that they could take 
>something that God made and used as a symbol in Genesis, and turn
>it into a symbol for a sin infested adbomination.  God's return is
>OH SO close...you can see it on the streets, read it in the paper,
>the signs are there!  God is coming for his people, and I will
>be right here waiting to be caught up in the air with Him!
>Chris Sterrett
Is'nt the rainbow used as a symbol of the NEW-AGE movement and on 
