Christ's peccability

Kendtronic@AOL.COM (Kendtronic@AOL.COM)
Mon, 29 Apr 1996 19:58:20 -0400

Just a little topic of discussion for you.  We went over this in Bible class,
and I will try to give a show of both sides.  I am not sure where I stand on
this, but I would like to know what other Pentecostals feel.  Think about the
arguments and statements carefully: they may appear to be the same, but they
are total opposites.

Also, forgive me if I spell impeccablity wrong.  I believe the word itself
comes from the latin, or greek, or something word "peccare", meaning to sin.
|                                | Peccable                                 |
Immpeccable                    |

| Definition:                 | Christ could sin                        |
Christ could not sin           |
| Meaning:                  | Christ was able not to sin          | Christ
was not able to sin  |
| Common Agreement:                       Christ did not sin
|                                                       Christ was tempted

If any pastors can give me some input on this, I would appreciate it.  Also,
anyone who can explain this better (unbiasedly, at first, then show your
position) please do so.  And, as usual, feel free to mail me personally, my
address is below.

In Jesus Name,
Mark Kendrick
Isaiah 40:31