The message is the music.

yhclifto (
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 14:43:05 -0500 (EDT)


I went to a Charasmatic Conference in Windsor Onterio, called the Standard, 
over the weekend, and I was 
very struck by how the message most likely intended by the church which 
hosted it differed drasticly from what most people attendeding responded to.

To start with when they played Christian rock music what ever the words 
were, the response of the congregation was to step to ungodly rock and roll 
dance.  Which is to say the message transmitted by the beat, which 
compelled them to act in a worldly manner, than the message in the words.

There was a clear question whether anything said was really heard, 
because on of the speakers was advocating New Age (Theophysite) holistic 
healing, and assured people laughter was better than prayer for their 
health and compelled them to use holistic "natural" medicine but avoid 
western doctors.  I have strong doubt anyone there agreed with this 
insanity, so there was a clear doubt they new what on earth they heard.

The message conveyed clearly was all the speakers looked TV perfect, 
there was a steady beat of Rock and Roll, and no need to think the 
message said act like the world.

At the end of the service Saturday, more than forty people came down to 
"accept Christ," and the Evangelest, whose name is Kate McVeigh placed 
her hands on every one of them and everyone of them spoke in tongues.

If she had told them to be baptized in water they would have been.

Imagine what could have been done if these people could get their message 
straight.  They need our prayers.

		In the Loving Name of Jesus Christ,
