Jesus WepT?

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@ELI.WARIAT.ORG)
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:48:53 -0500

>>>>> "Rex" == Rex Deckard <> writes:

    Rex> Think about this- when Jesus was going to the cross He was
    Rex> offered a drink of vinegar that He refused to accept (Matthew
    Rex> 27:34).  This is commonly believed to refer to a type of
    Rex> anesthesia that helped to relieve the terrible pain of
    Rex> crucifixion- yet Jesus refused to be relieved of any of the
    Rex> pain!  Part of His mission was to experience what we
    Rex> experience- pain, hunger, loneliness and, yes...grief at the
    Rex> cemetery, too.

    Rex> This is my explanation of why Jesus wept at the tomb of
    Rex> Lazarus.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Rex> Rex Deckard, M.Ed.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

There is more to that vinegar than you mention.  

At the Last Supper, Jesus said of the "fruit of the vine", that we
should "drink, this is my blood".  "Fruit of the vine" that is
"drinkable" could be any of grape juice, wine, or vinegar.  Jesus also
said that he would not drink it again until he drank it new with us in

Remember that the vinegar (possibly mingled with gall as a pain killer
or anesthetic) was presented to him by a sponge on the end of a piece
of hyssop.  Remember that Jesus said "I am the door".  Remember the
passover story, with the blood of the lamb (Jesus' blood: the vinegar)
applied with a hyssop to the door (Jesus is the door).  Remember that
this was done so that the first born would not die.  Jesus was the
only begotten son of God, hence he was the first born.  

His blood (the sacrificial passover lamb's blood) was applied to the
door that was himself so that he (the firstborn) would not die.  Jesus
had the vinegar applied to him (the door) by the hyssop, but he did
not drink, in keeping with his promise.  Remember that Jesus was
crucified on the eve of the passover -- the very exact time that the
lamb was supposed to be killed.

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 847 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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