H-F subscription

Tyler Nally (tnally@csci.csc.com)
Wed, 03 Jul 1996 9:30:28 CDT

Hello Bro. Brown,

We knew something was amiss lately with eli.wariat.org.  Tell you what I'll
do here in a few minutes is to ADD the rj@apk.net address to H-F as a temporary
fix for the time being.... (so that you can at least easily "capture" the
most recent posts)...  

>From last Friday thru yesterday, the prairienet listproc had major problems 
and there's very little lost that I can think of.  I don't know if anyone 
has the posts from 6-24 (mon) thru 6-28 (fri).  I made sure that your message
to the list was posted (because the listproc rejected it because of unknown
address of the postee) just a few minutes ago after I realized it never showed
up after approval.

Bro. Tyler
  ______   ______   ______  |\      _,,,---,,_    Computer Sciences Corporation
 /   ___| /  ____| /   ___| /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_         Technical Consultant
|___|    |__|  __ |___|    |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'          217.351.8508 x2439
|   |___  ____|  ||   |___'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)              tnally@csci.csc.com
 \______||______/  \______|      Tyler Nally     2173780470.pager@usamobile.com