
Benny Santos (
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 16:17:05 -0600 (MDT)

Greetings all Saints in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord!

I too am a "Oneness" believer in Christ but not Pentecostal. The
doctrine of the Church I belong to is considered by contemporary
Christians as heresy because of our Modalistic belief. It's not surprising
that people fear what is different to what they have believed all their
lives. Let us not let Satan succeed in dividing the Church of God over
different perspectives. Being "Oneness" or Trinitarian makes us no less
Christian. For we all believe in One God, and we were all saved by the
Name of Jesus Christ. This issue is not black and white bretheren, it's
not Oneness against Trinitarian, that would be playing the Adversaries
game. It hurts when you call someone "brother" but they see you as an
alien. But our faith in Jesus is greater than this pain.

				-Bro. Aijalon