Advise:Witnessing to a Trinitarian

Benny Santos (
Mon, 8 Jul 1996 04:29:42 -0600 (MDT)

>I am looking for some advise on a good starting point with this man.
>And possibly some personal experiences of people who have witnessed to
>other Trinitarians...

One thing I've learned is that even among Trinitarians there are different
perspectives about how they see the Godhead. Some Trinitarians see God
very close to the way we see him, only a step away from the Oneness
revelation. Others are misinformed about the Trinity doctrine and trail
very close to Tritheism.

My opinion would be first to listen and really understand about how they
see God. Not all Trinitarians are in the same boat. Then when you testify
what you believe try to avoid making them defensive. Some people get
defensive too easly, and it's difficult to communicate with them.
Remember, the Holy Scriptures is your best resource. If you use the
Scriptures, fellow Christians will be more accepting.

Personally I testify God's Oneness by using the language of the Holy
Scriptures, so others who have read it can easly identify with what I

Men cannot know or see the invisible God, but in Jesus Christ he has
revealed himself to us. Jesus Christ is the exact representation of the
Father, that is why in His Name we come to the Father.

'Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us."
Jesus answered, "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among
you for such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father..."'
(Jn 14:9)

						-Bro. Ben-Aijalon