black church fires

Mark Bassett (
Mon, 08 Jul 1996 21:49:34 GMT

On Mon, 8 Jul 1996 17:28:51 +600, you wrote:

>Does this sound nice, friendly and Christlike?  Me thinks not.

As you say.

>I agree with Bro. Bowden that it might always be a good idea to pray before 
>such conversations take place.  

Good. Glad to hear it.

>I am sorry if some think that saved folks shouldn't discuss race.  I 
>am even more sorry that you don't think talking about things that are 
>in the forefront of our society are not important.  When you walk out 
>of your prayer closets, you are thrown into a very cruel, hateful 
>world.  We need to know how to deal with it and we need to know how 
>to relate.

If we have been with my God in the prayer closet, we come out prepared
to have victory in the real world.

Your God has the answers, not your psychology professors, and
radicals. Trust Him, and He can handle it.

Kay, this is the end of this exchange on this subject for me.
