WI District Family Camp - Harvest 96

music_js@admin1.viterbo.edu (js@admin1.viterbo.edu)
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 09:45:17 -0500

Praise The Lord in Jesus Name!

For all of you who attended The WI District family Camp...What a blessing
we received.  This was the first year I went and received much strength
from The LORD!  Bro Billy Cole is a man of much wisdom and faith... God used
him in a great way to build the saints faith.  We were taught through 
through that every saint has the authority through Jesus name and the power 
through The Holy Ghost to lay hands on the sick and they will be healed... 
but to do it with authority.  Brother Jack Cunningham was a great teacher as
well.  We can allow thoughts to nest in our heads until it takes control...
such as sickness or fear... but we have the power and authority to command 
it to go.  

Many testimonies of the great revivals all over the world that both Billy 
Cole and Jack Cunningham have been involved in.  In New Guinea, when
the Holy Ghost was being poured out upon the mass of people, there was a cloud
that settled upon that mass of people... but there was not any other clouds
in the sky!  This picture was on the front page of The Pentecostal Herald 
just recently!  

Friday morning Billy Cole taught how to help people pray to receive The Holy
Ghost.  We have a lot of traditions that are not biblical... he called them
Holy Cows...  Just a few...
	Keeping your eyes open... the Bible says to "watch and pray"

	If you doubt someone can get The Holy Ghost... get away because
	you can transmit doubt upon that person... we need to transmit 

	When someone is beginning to receive stammering lips... we should
	not be telling them to say "hallelujah"... God will give them
	The Holy Ghost when the inside of the vessel has been emptied of
	everything.  God will not pour into until we help them take out.

There were many other Holy Cows... I look forward to listening to the tapes
when our church gets them.

Brother Cole also taught on speaking the simple Word of God in witnessing by 
using the acounts in the Acts of The Apostles being baptized and receiving
The Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4 / Acts 8:14-17 / Acts 10:1-6 & 44-48 / 
		Acts 19:1-6)
If we follow these simple Words of witnessing to others, God will give the

That afternoon we distributed flyers throughout the local communities to 
invite them to The Holy Ghost Revival for Friday evening.  God had revealed
to Bro Billy Cole that He was going to fill the house with His Spirit...
and that He did!!!  That evening you could feel faith flood the hearts of 
people in the house.  It was a very short word of faith spoken by both Billy
Cole and Jack Cunningham.  Billy Cole asked how many in the sanctuary needed
The Holy Ghost, there was roughly 20, but when he called them forward, a flood
of people from outside the Tabernacle came in... It was The Power of The Holy 
Ghost...and the congregation was on fire.  Brother Billy Cole told everyone 
that it was going to be very easy to receive The Holy Ghost.  Within 5 minutes
over 100 initials fillings and re-fillings were received ....Thank you Jesus!  

Throughout the week Faith had been taught and demonstrated so much that the
preachers could hardly pray for those praying through because the saints 
were the ones praying them through.  My pastor stated that the crowds of
saints around people praying through was so thick he had a difficult time
praying with people.  The faith of the saints was built up in so many ways
from helping people pray, speak healing into the sick to coping with 
everyday living.

The final count at the end of the week, including Children's Church... a total
of about 160 fillings and refillings received.  Praise God... give Him The

I came back having more authority through the Name of Jesus over doubt and 
unbelief that tries to come upon you.  My husband is not in the
church.  He has the blood of Jesus applied through baptism, but needs the
Holy Ghost.  Doubt has tried to convince me that He will not every come
back, but through the authority of The Word of God and the Power of Jesus 
Name, I have continued to claim and rejoice in Jeff's salvation daily!
I continue to build my sons (ages 7 & 9) faith daily (they both received 
the Holy Ghost 2 years ago in September).  They have a picture of their
dad being baptized and we keep it in their dad's Bible which we continue
to use and sanctified it through the audible speaking of The Word.

Lord bless all saints in Jesus Name!

Jeri Jo Schaitel